Friday, November 30, 2018

How to use a Lamp as a Camera Stand for Filming Overhead Videos

I have been filming videos for the last 2 years or so, and sometimes you work with what ya got.  My husband build me a stand that went on my desk to support my filming equipment.  First it was just a phone and now I film with a webcam.  I like to try and upgrade to the something better but I am not ready to break the bank buying film equipment either.  I film overhead videos, but with the stand that was attached to my desk it wobbled every time I hit my desk to hard.  I needed an upgrade.

I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.  Various companies provided me with some product to create this project.  The opinions I share are solely my own.

Check out the video to see how cool this lamp is, ye sit is a lamp!!

Not only is this lamp perfect for resting my camera on to film but it is also a magnifier lamp.  The washi tape is there to help it be a bit more stable, but the camera does rest just fine without the tape.  Back to to magnifier bit, it can be a regular lamp that you use for light, it has a ton of different light settings for brightness and warmth, plus it can magnify up to 175X!!  For all the specs on the lamp head over to the website HERE.  It is called the LightView Rolling Base LED Magnifier Lamp

Just for a perspective of what my old set up looked like attached to my desk, check out the video below, at the beginning you can see the arm attached to my desk.

How do you set up for filming?

Supplies Used
Interested in the supplies I used in this project?  Most are listed below and some are affiliate links, which generates a me little commission (at not extra cost to you at all) when you click on the link and make a purchase.  Affiliate and product disclosure can be found here.

Brightech Lamp - Video Set Up
Brightech Lamp - Video Set Up
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Logitech Camera
Logitech Camera
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Black Craft Mat
Black Craft Mat
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